I prefer the first one.



" She's ruined my day again. Hallelujah! "



Last Friday, she strongly criticized me and my behavior... 

With her friendly face and rude attitude.



Several questions like:

1. " You are the only sales by customer complaints of this year. "

OS: Seriously huhh? Or just because I offend your friends?


2. " I am not satisfied with your performance this year. "

OS: Well... check on your "Outstanding Achievement of 2013" before your judgement.


3. " What's your expectations for 2014? Huhh? "

OS: My? Emmm~ I really don't need a brainless supervisor...


4. " Blah Blah Blah Blah...... "

OS: ..................................................



I know I'm not a perfect employee, but you should review yourself before you judge and criticize others.



And I just found out that she's using my computer and check my message logs...

(( Should I glad that there is no any erotic pics in it?? LOL )) 



She's driving me nuts!!!

Ohhhhh god I hate her no less than the cockroaches, seriously.


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